Please remember that water must be visible in all photos.
Kansas Lives on Water: We depend and live on water every moment, especially during extreme events. Submit a photo showcasing how Kansas lives on water through events such as drought, wildfires, firefighting, etc.
Kansas Grows on Water: Submit a photo featuring an item the grows on water. This can include livestock, pets, wildlife, fish, aquatic plants, irrigation/farming, communities, etc.
Kansas Counts on Water: We rely on water every day, sunrise to sunset. Submit a sunrise or sunset photo featuring the water that Kansas counts on.
Kansas Thrives on Water: Submit a photo showcasing the flora and fauna that thrives on Kansas’s water resources.
Kansas Plays on Water: Kansas waters are some of the best in the nation. Submit a recreational photo that showcases how Kansas plays on water. It could include kayaking/boating/paddle boarding, fishing/hunting, swimming - you name it!